
F.R.I.E.N.D.S Trivia


According to Phoebe, "X" used to be cute before he became overweight in 1993. "X" has appeared on screen three times.once while he was suspected of being dead in "The One With The Giant Poking Device," once with his back facing the camera, and once with Ross  in "The One Where Everybody Finds Out."."X"'s actual name is not known, and is never mentioned. "X" was a bizarre hermit who obtained his nickname for being morbidly obese and highly unattractive."X" also plays the cello, lights candles and sleeps in a hammock, right under the window. "X" last appearance in the show was with Ross, when both of them ate mini muffins together.


Answer (highlight to read) : Ugly Naked Guy

The Smartinis