
Supreme Headquarters, International Espionage, Law-Enforcement Division



  • "Y" means "I have received all of the last transmission" in both military and civilian aviation radio communications.Contrary to popular belief, "Y" does not mean or imply both "received" and "I will comply." That distinction goes to the contraction wilco (from, "will comply"), which is used exclusively if the speaker intends to say "received and will comply." Thus, the phrase ""Y" Wilco" is both procedurally incorrect and redundant."Y" was intended to take place in the modern international NATO phonetic alphabet but was replace by a Shakespearean Character."Y" was derrived from an Old Norse word for “renown for his sword”(or spear)

  • "X" Irwin (22 February 1962 – 4 September 2006) is nicknamed "The Crocodile Hunter

  • "Z":-

Connect "X", "Y" and "Z"

Answer (highlight to read) : "X"- Roger "Y"- Steve and "Z"- Captain   Connect:- Captain America(Steve Rogers) 

The Smartinis